The Australia Chapter's purpose is to provide its members with the knowledge, learning and networking opportunities to strengthen and add value to their involvement in corporate real estate and the workplace.
We seek to provide thought leadership and to represent and advance member interests both locally and globally. We also aim to nurture the young and upcoming property leaders of the future.
Ultimately, we aim to be the association of choice for corporate real estate and workplace professionals in our region.
Diversity & Inclusion Committee Charter
For business executives the world over, the COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be one of the greatest leadership tests of their careers. In this challenging context, the task of fostering Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) may take a back seat.
Discrimination in any form – including race, skin colour, national origin, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or age – must be erased in the places we live and work. Together with CoreNet Global, this Committee will have two major objectives:
- Working to promote equality and eliminate discrimination within the CoreNet Global Australia Chapter, making diversity and inclusion a key consideration in everything that we do
- Providing information and resourcing to help Corporate Real Estate increase diversity and inclusion in our workplaces with practical resources and actionable recommendations.
The driver for establishing this new group is to promote and foster an environment that allows everyone to experience a sense of belonging in our CRE community. Our goal is to become leaders in D&I, helping our members to consciously and proactively address these issues to drive change across the industry. A decision was taken to incorporate the proposed D&I framework and establish a new committee within the Australian Chapter. This Charter sets out the framework for the Committee in setting and delivering on its objectives.
This Committee will aim to grow awareness of D&I in the wider membership base. This will be achieved by offering information based virtual events to begin with, moving into face-to-face events and workshops as the committee grows.
Working with our global colleagues and leveraging off global content will assist with information sharing working towards creating some of our own local content going forward. We will work with the end users with established D&I committees to establish what information sharing would be useful and how we can help as a committee.
Our objective is to promote D&I initiatives through CoreNet Global Australia as well as the wider corporate real estate sector in general. Our aim is to be the highest standard of D&I content and events within Corporate Real Estate and create a sense of belonging for anyone in the property industry.
The initial objective of the Committee will be to determine what the Corporate Real Estate Industry needs. The intention is:
- To understand the challenges our membership group face in their organisations
- Establish feedback on how and where CoreNet Global Australia can contribute content to our members
- Collate and share resources that will benefit the chapter
- Build an engagement framework.
This process will include:
- Profile other D&I associations
- Connect with a mixture of large and small members to gain a better understanding of D&I in their organisations and what their challenges are
- Research best practice
- Reviewing opportunities to leverage existing global networks or alliances, including CoreNet Global resources.
The Committee has initially been resourced with a Chair (Leah Ong) with a Vice Chair and Committee to follow. Members will be recruited throughout 2021, with both current committee members and potentially new members. This will allow the Committee to benefit from experienced members but look to bring new and innovative ideas from outside the main group. The Committee will be working closely with all other CNGAU Sub-committees, including Program committee as Diversity & Inclusion is likely to be events based for 2021. Other resourcing will include:
- CoreNet Global online resourcing (access for members to D&I programs)
- Other CoreNet Global chapters
- External D&I organisations
The long-term success of this Committee will largely be determined once the scoping study has been complete, however goals for 2021 include:
- Recruit Committee members (both from current Committee members and wider member group)
- Hold 2 virtual events
- Establish the first event with an Auslan interpreter to reach a wider network