
CoreNet Global Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Lands throughout Australia. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs, and relationship with the land.  We also pay our respects to their Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.

2023 in review

I can’t believe it’s the end of my first year as CoreNet Global Australia chair. It’s been another incredible year for our chapter, with some incredible achievements. To everyone who’s been a part of making this year such a success – our members, committee and executive team, sponsors – thank you. We’re only able to be as strong as we are because of you.
This year has seen our organisation continue to grow. We’ve welcomed 68 new members and 30 trial members. To our new joiners, we hope you’ve had the opportunity to experience some of our events and we look forward to you continuing to be a part of our chapter.
Of course, our capacity to run the chapter is only possible because of the support of our incredible sponsors. 2023 saw four new sponsors come on board – welcome to MRI Software, HID, XY Sense and Charter Hall. A huge thank you to all our sponsors for your support and partnership in 2023.
We’ve also seen our events program go from strength to strength with over 39 events, featuring 51 guest speakers and over 2545 event registrations. It’s been especially fantastic to see growing membership numbers and attendance in our growth areas of Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Our end of year member mixers were incredibly well attended with record attendance numbers in all cities – there’s no doubt that the desire to connect with each other face-to-face is absolutely back. Sydney in particular saw us reach capacity and needing to run a waitlist, so we’ll be looking at a bigger venue for next year’s end of year party. The 2024 event program is looking to be bigger and better than ever, with more site tours, insightful content sessions and more casual meetups. There’s lots to look forward to, so watch this space for more details!
Like every year, the absolute event highlight was our annual conference. The 2023 theme of “Digging Deeper: People, Places and Purpose” was a huge success. I especially enjoyed our opening keynote speaker, Simon Kuestenmacher, who successfully made the discussion on demographics FUN! I have never laughed so much hearing about real estate demographics before.
Another highlight of the conference was our second annual REawards, with five well-deserving winners. Congratulations to all the winners and finalists – it’s fantastic to see so much talent in our community. In 2024, we’re also introducing a sixth category, “Service Provider of the Year”, so keep an eye out for details and when nominations will open.
Planning is now well underway for the 2024 conference in Melbourne with the theme “Picture the Possibilities: Navigating what’s next for property”. Save the date for 4 September 2024 for what’s sure to be a thought provoking day, with plenty of time for connecting with industry peers.
On a personal note, in February this year I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the CoreNet Global chapter leaders’ summit in Atlanta. This was a two day event where we had the opportunity to meet other leaders from around the globe and it was my first opportunity in the 8 years I have been with the association to meet all of the staff from CoreNet Global. We enjoyed a group development session on “How to be a REAL Success” and had the chance to discuss and network with our global colleagues. I also look forward to attending the next summit in March 2024. If any of you are considering attending an overseas CoreNet Global event, I strongly encourage you to make it happen. It's been a brilliant way to expand my connections and there’s so much to learn from our international peers.
It's also been brilliant to follow along on the journey of our MCR scholarship recipient, Ujwal Lakra. Ujwal graduated this year, along with 14 other MCR graduates and 3 QPCR graduates. Congratulations to all of you on this amazing achievement. We’re also excited to announce a new cohort of students has commenced their MCR journey, including our first 11 Australian members commencing the Master of Corporate Real Estate, Workplace (MCR.w) specialisation. The focus on workplace is only going to become increasingly relevant in our changing world, so we look forward to some of our members growing their skills in this field and helping to shape Australian businesses.
I’d like to thank our amazing and hardworking volunteer committee members that helps shape the events and work we do at CoreNet Global Australia. Our volunteer members all work full time but volunteer their time to our association to help facilitate knowledge, leadership and development in Corporate Real Estate in Australia. Thank you to our 2023 executive team: 

In 2024, if you’d like to get involved with any of our committees, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re always keen to have enthusiastic and talented people drive our chapter to be better and better each year.
Finally, a big thank you to our Chapter Administrator, Trish Tillard, who works tirelessly each and every day to ensure that all our programs and events run smoothly, and our members have the most amazing experience as part of our association.
I hope all our members have the opportunity for connecting with loved ones over the festive season. I look forward to continuing to provide an engaging program of events, networking opportunities, and skills development programs. Please get in touch if you have ideas on how CoreNet Global Australia can maximise the value we offer you and we look forward to a successful 2024.
Leah Ong
Australia Chapter Chair


To connect with one of our Committee members, please click here



About CoreNet Global

CoreNet Global is the world’s leading professional association for corporate real estate (CRE) executives with strategic responsibility for the real property used by multinational corporations for their own operations. CoreNet Global has more than 10,000 members in 50 countries and include nearly half of the Global 2000 and 70% of the top 100 U.S. companies, meet locally, globally and virtually to develop networks, share knowledge, learn and thrive professionally.  CoreNet Global operates in global regions including:  Asia, Australia, EMEA, Latin and North America.

We aim to facilitate knowledge, leadership and development in Corporate Real Estate in Australia and the world, by augmenting the voice of the occupier. We harness the benefits of being global while locally immersed and focused in the delivery of value to members.

Australia Chapter Events